Did you know that early in her career Mila Kunis, who immigrated from Ukraine, auditioned to play a Russian girl who moves to America. Instead, she was cast as a Mexican.
Mila Kunis is a big believer in things happening for a reason. Take her acting career, for example. The raven-haired beauty never set out to be an actress and yet today finds herself not only in the enviable position of being in high demand in Hollywood, but also of being financially secure enough, thanks to her TV work on That ’70s Show and the cult animated series Family Guy, to take risks.
Last year, the BBFC received more complaints about her girl-on-girl sex scene with Natalie Portman in Black Swan than about anything else in 2011. Her latest film, Ted – the politically incorrect directorial debut of Family Guy creator Seth Macfarlane – in which she acts with a sweary, bong-smoking CGI teddy bear, is unlikely to have the same impact but is edgy nonetheless.
Cast as Mark Wahlberg’s girlfriend, Lois, Kunis’s humour and emotional honesty, round out what could easily have been a two-dimensional stock part. “If there’s anything I try to bring to every character, it’s honesty,” she says. “I’m a very open person. When I go into meetings, it’s not like I put up a wall and try to be something I’m not.”
This is easier now than it was in the past. As a young girl growing up under Communism in Chernivtsi, in the Ukraine, she had to hide the fact that she was Jewish for fear of persecution. Even so, her parents made sure that she was raised knowing who and what she was, and the price that her family had paid during World War 2. “My grandparents were in the Holocaust [they survived, but other relatives weren't as lucky], and I’m very much part of that story,” she says.
Early in her career Mila Kunis, who immigrated from Ukraine, auditioned to play a Russian girl who moves to America. Instead, she was cast as a Mexican
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