Monday, May 6, 2013

An artist attempted to hitchhike from Milan to the Middle East in a wedding dress to promote world peace. She was gang raped and murdered in Turkey. A Turkish newspaper said "Let's face it, if Pippa were a Turk, some people would feel freer to say that a hitchhiking woman deserves to be raped."

Did you know that an artist attempted to hitchhike from Milan to the Middle East in a wedding dress to promote world peace. She was gang raped and murdered in Turkey. A Turkish newspaper said “Let’s face it, if Pippa were a Turk, some people would feel freer to say that a hitchhiking woman deserves to be raped.”


Bacca was part of a world peace effort known as “Brides on Tour” which had departed from Milan on 8 March 2008.[4] The artists, wearing white wedding dresses, then travelled through Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Bulgaria, and arrived in Turkey on 20 March 2008. They had planned to hitch-hike to Syria and then Lebanon by 31 March, arriving in Israel and Palestinian territories by mid-April, their final destination being Jerusalem.[3][4] Concerning their attire, they reported on their website that “That’s the only dress we’ll carry along – with all stains accumulated during the journey.”

On her sisters hitch-hiking plans, and in light of the discovery of her body, her sibling Maria states to Italian news agency ANSA that “Her travels were for an artistic performance and to give a message of peace and of trust, but not everyone deserves trust… We weren’t particularly worried because she had been hitchhiking for a lot of time, and thus was capable of avoiding risky situations… She was a determined person when it had to do with working for art

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An artist attempted to hitchhike from Milan to the Middle East in a wedding dress to promote world peace. She was gang raped and murdered in Turkey. A Turkish newspaper said "Let's face it, if Pippa were a Turk, some people would feel freer to say that a hitchhiking woman deserves to be raped."

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