Saturday, April 20, 2013

In 2006, a ship lost 58 Containers full of shoes on the North Sea. About half a million shoes flushed a shore on the Dutch island of Terschelling, covering the beaches with shoes.

Did you know that in 2006, a ship lost 58 Containers full of shoes on the North Sea. About half a million shoes flushed a shore on the Dutch island of  Terschelling, covering the beaches with shoes.


Op thursday night, februari 9th, 2006, the P&O NedLloyd Container-vessel “Mondriaan” lost in heavy weather 58 seacontainers on the Northsea. The capacity of the “Mondriaan” is 8450 containers. 12 containers and at least a quarter to a half million shoes arrived on the beach of the Dutch island Terschelling and nobody could hold the beachcombers anymore…


Op donderdagnacht, 9 februari 2006, verloor het P&O NedLloyd containerschip “Mondriaan” tijdens zwaar weer in totaal 58 zeecontainers op de Noordzee. De capaciteit van de “Mondriaan” is 8450 containers. 12 containers met o.a. minstens een KWART MILJOEN schoenen spoelden aan op het eiland Terschelling en de jutters waren niet meer te houden.


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In 2006, a ship lost 58 Containers full of shoes on the North Sea. About half a million shoes flushed a shore on the Dutch island of Terschelling, covering the beaches with shoes.

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