Did you know that Zimbabwe has a 94% unemployment rate
“HARARE (AFP) — Zimbabwe’s unemployment rate has spiked to 94 percent, meaning that fewer than half a million people in the country are formally employed, the UN’s humanitarian arm said Thursday.
“”At close of 2008, only six percent of the population was formally employed, down from 30 percent in 2003,”" said a report from the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
Out of the country’s 12 million people, only 480,000 have formal jobs, down from 3.6 million in 2003, the report said.
“”The most obvious indicator of the current decline is the staggering inflation rate,”" last estimated at 231 million percent in July, it said.
The new data was contained in an appeal by OCHA for 35 agencies working in the country, seeking 550 million US dollars (420 million euros) to assist the 5.1 million Zimbabweans in need of food aid.”
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Zimbabwe has a 94% unemployment rate
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